Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mummy, papa aur main

My house is worse than a pig sty. And I am living worse than a pig. No other human on the planet keeps his house this way. Look at all the cob webs, has the wash basin ever been cleaned? Why are there empty plastic bags, why are there only two spoons in the entire house, why is there only one cup for coffee? What will your uncles and aunts say when they visit your house, why dont you marry someone nice, she will take care of you.............
This is a sample of questions which were fired at me as soon as mom entered my house yesterday in Sundipenta. I looked pleadingly at dad to help me out, but he was already moving towards the refrigerator, "Why isnt there any cold water?".
Its only been two days, but I have made around 100 trips to the market to purchase some item or the other. Its only been two days, but I cleaned up all the cobwebs. Its only been two days, but I miss going to the wine shop. Its only been two days, but all our conversations have dried up.
Ok, I sound too much like a child hating his parents, but it isnt like that. I love them, but only when there is a buffer zone (like Sienfeld said). I have a certain way of living my life, ok, I dont take food at regular timings, I dont clean my shirt before wearing it a fifth time, I dont keep following my maid around giving instructions, I eat, sleep and drink on the floor.....but its my life. Its my life at Sundipenta.......
And over the previous few days, I am regularly going to sleep at 10 pm (my usual timing is around 3 am), just so that the day is counted off. Suddenly office seems a cheerier place to spend my time in.

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