Thursday, February 11, 2010

Message to love

Today is Valentine's Day....the day when people are supposed to express their love for one another. A day to exchange gifts, a day to tell that someone special that you love her and hope she says it back to you. A day when millions of hearts would beat for each other, and a day when a million more would be rejected, broken, shattered to pieces, trampled upon and made to feel utterly worthless. A day for which one might have been planning for a long time, and which might turn into a day one would remember for all the wrong reasons, the rest of their lives. Valentine's Day...
Not to sound too Shiv Sainiky types, but why is this day celebrated? Why is this day special? The sun is the same, the morning tea is the same, the traffic you face on your way to work is the same. Hmm......but there is something different about this day, that makes all the vagabond good-for-nothing guys scream out to girls passing by, asking them out for a date (as if they would say yes, like the girls on those Bangbros videos). There is something different about today that makes the Shiv Sainiks and their kin go on a rampage and act like their primate cousins. There is something different about today that makes losers like me feel a little more depressed, a little more bored with life. Its a day which comes once a year to remind us of our pathetic lives.
The wealthy, unable to find ways to spend their dough, are going on yacht rides with their wives and mistresses today. Candlelight dinners, romantic music under a starlit sky...........a lot of hard work done by guys for those 30 minutes of ecstasy.
So, what are people like me who are single, and who know they are gonna stay single, to do on this day? What are we to say to those who ask us why we aren't out on dates today? A few things that I think might work are:
1. Pretend you are sick (a sure shot winner, although you will have to act it out real good)
2. Tell them that although you had plans, work caught up with you at the last moment and you have to stay back home to work.
3. Her parents refused to let her go out today because its that day of the year
4. Your parents are visiting town and you would like to spend the day with them (this is a bit tricky, cuz you suddenly can't say you like your parents after cribbing about them the rest of the 365 days)
5. You refuse to celebrate this day as a mark of protest against corporatisation of love and romance
6. Pretend you have a hangover
7. You are confused about whom to take out since you have so many choices
8. Tell them you just don't care about this day (this is the easiest route out)
I personally don't have any plans for tonight since I have to make an assignment for tomorrow ;) but to all those desperate single guys out there, this day is just another day in the 365 days of an year, and it will pass off before you know it.
To all my brothers, who might have to use one of the excuses from those stated above, I wish a Happy Valentine's Day and good luck for the future.


Shashi_patil said...

hehe...really awesome yaar....u got that hilarious style of writing within few days for which i am striving for last many years...gud one

Sudhir said...

thanx are my inspiration....