Saturday, October 6, 2012

Half Marathon hai bhaiya......

I finished my second half marathon, thats 21 km biyatch, two weeks back, the Hyderabad Heritage Marathon 2012. And for 90% of you guys reading this post who would no doubt be smirking and saying "auto pakkad liya hoga saale ne", I have 9 words for you......................................"Come to my house and see the finisher's medal".

Anywaaaayj, I ran for myself to prove that even though I might have gained 15 kilos since my school age, I can still run baby. There are about 700 guys and gals running besides you, and God has made each one of us unique and special in our own ways, there are still a few groups of people who are present in each race, and they are:

1. The professional runner: This guy I usually do not get to see anytime during the run. He stands in front of everyone, and finishes ahead of everyone. By the time I finish half of the half marathon, matlab ki "pauva" marathon, he would have finished with the 21 kms and gone home, had beer and slept. I on the other hand, might be realizing the fact that you still have 55% of the course to finish, and might even develop the sudden urge to pee.

2. The "fast" runner: He is the kind of guy I get irritated about. The guy who thinks he can sprint intermediately and be able to finish ahead of the other "slow" runners. I am always reminded of the tortoise and the hare story because of this guy. He runs, stops, runs again, stops.....pants, gasps. Some of these people do get to finish the course, but others........just plain irritate me. Marathon bhaagne aaya hai, ya 100  metre dash......

3. The babe in shorts: In each of the marathon my strategy has been to find out that one girl runner who runs as fast, or as slow, as me and not to leave her side during the run. She is the one motivation factor which keeps me going. I run besides her, ahead of her, behind her (the best view), but sadly on both occasions they have finished ahead of me.

4. The senior runners: People sure are fitter than me. In both marathons, there were people who were easily twice my age, and were running twice as fast as me.....At their age, I would be happy if I can make the regular trips to the bathroom on my own.

5. The runners who finish behind me: This is the group I like most. Because they prove to me that there are people who are slower than me, and that I am not that bad. I have been lucky enough to finish as an average racer in both the marathons. But the point is that for the runners ahead of me, I lie in this category.

6. The topless guy: In every race, there are a few people who like to run topless. Sadly, they are all men. They usually start off wearing the normal tshirts, but when you see them during the race, the tshirts are tied around their waist. Looking at them, I wish I could also be able to run topless. But alas........

7. The guys in jeans/trousers: Who the hell runs 21 km/ 42 kms wearing jeans or trousers. Its usually these guys. The champus, running around wearing jeans, yammering and talking and looking as if they have come out to the park for a stroll. The irritating fact is they still complete the race, usually ahead of me, and do not look the least bit tired.

I dont yet know what prompted me and my friend to enter our first half marathon, but boy, when you reach that finish line, the feeling is indescribable.  I hit my runners' block at around the 15 km stretch. The pain I felt during the 15th to 17th km of the course was equivalent to nothing I had ever experienced. But the matter of ijjat lutna if I stop without completing the race kept me going.

Until the next marathon..........